Brainspotting is a mind-body therapy dicovered by David Grand PhD in 2003 that focuses on identifying, processing and repairing emotional stress, trauma and other challenging symptoms. Utilising points in your visual field, brainspotting is able to access deeply held experiences which are then safely processed and desensitised. Resulting in a re-balancing in the nervous system. Brainspotting combines focused mindfulness, relational attunement and brain-based processing.
Brainspotting is highly effective for treating anxiety, stress, trauma, addiction, unhealthy habits, performance issues, phobias and many other issues related to emotional or mental challenges. Brainspotting supports the natural ability of the brain and body to self heal. Brainspotting deepens self awareness, provides insight and often has a spiritual dimension that many clients desribe as mystical, meaninful and deeply moving. All of these components result in nervous system regulation, equilibrium and improved overall health.
I help you identify an issue you want to work on. We look for the corrosponding feelings or activation in your body. From there we find the “Brainspot” which is a point or points in your visual field. Brainspots are thought to be neural networks of memory related to the issue you have chosen to work on. From there you notice what comes up and process the thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with the brainspot. Activation in the body is reduced and clients report deep and profound healing. Sessions vary in length between 1 or 2 hours. Bilateral music is often used to help deepen the process and provide attentional flexibility. It’s common for your brain and body to continue processing the session for severals days following a session.
This varies considerably and depends on many factors including individual response, complexity of symptoms, and personal goals. I see clients on average between 2 months to over a year. Sessions are usually weekly or bi monthly, each client decides whats best for them. I believe healing can’t be rushed and good therapy and coaching follows a pace and duration that best serves each client.
I commonly work with clients who have experienced early attchment trauma, medical trauma, phobias, generational trauma, developmental trauma, PTSD, anxiety and complicated grief. I also work with clients experiencing difficult life transitions such as divorce, loss, relocation and becoming a parent. I have a keen interest in meditation, personal and spiritual development.
Both therapy and coaching are uniquely tailored to the individual. The major diference is the pace and duration. Coaching and therapy share the same intention of moving in the direction of optimal functioning. Certain obstacles to optimal fucntioning might be better suited to therapy while others are better suited to coaching. Brainspotting is used in both cases and produces great results. The biggest obstacles for therapy clients are nervous system dysregulation, dissociation and mood issues. The biggest obstacles for coaching clients are performance blocks, self esteem issues, fears, procrastination and unwanted behaviours.
I offer several different treatment options, and a sliding scale of fees. This helps more people access the healing power of Brainspotting. To discuss what approach is best for you book a free consultation below.